Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Bad News

Last September Asocolflores announced that there were some problems with some of the flowers farms. The announcement consisted of the second alert because of white rust on three farms, for a total of six affected properties.
Asocolflores as the corporation in charge of Colombia's flowers, and more important of making Colombia the number two exporter of flowers in the world, decided to reinforce the methods of prevention to continue offering quality, beauty, and color to the world.
Every corporation has problems, but when it comes to announce the bad news to the public, corporations try to make it sounds as pretty as it can sound. Therefore, I doubt that every time corporations have problems they announce it to the public. Hopefully, by now Asocolflores has managed to give a solution on those farms affected. Even though six farms are nothing compare to the amount of plantations Asocolfores owns in the entire country.

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